And I come to wonder what the really problem is. Obviously my son is hard to please. I have to act as a joker juggling plates and glasses if I really want to get his attention. Sure is a plain and artless meal is a good mouth locker. -----------> Bento should be the solution!
What about my husband? although he has specific requests for some meals, he often eats whatever on the table (and restaurant's table). The meal, I can assure, is lack of essential element. Like no veggies nor fruits. So I guess, Bento is a great solution as I can make the meal as one complete package that includes everything essential to the body.
So Bento, Bento and Bento it is!
*a very much enthusiastic mom and wife, but let's see the actual practice later hihih*
Here are some pictures I can't take my eyes off of them...(you're just too good to be true..!)
This is a bit complicate for me....^_* |
Nyum! are the green ones pete??? |